In Documentary Movies, Television, and Media Appearance

(2017 -TODAY)

IN SLOVAKIA (2012-2017)

[23] Short interview on the occasion of New Year wishes for the scientific community & science in
[22] Slovakia, magazine, January 01, 2017 (link)
[21] Interview with me on the occasion of ExoMars 2016 mission to Mars and EDM Schiaparelli landing, newspaper SME – October 20, 2016 (link)
[20] Interview with me on the main evening news of TV Markiza – July 25, 2016
[19] Interview with me in about mission to Mars – March 4, 2016 (link)
[18] In the main evening news of TV Markiza – December 27, 2015
[17] Interview with me in about the discovery of liquid water on Mars – September 29, 2015 (link)
[16] European Researchers’ Night, Kosice, September 25, 2015 – presentation and lecture about Mars research for public
[15] In the official magazine of the Technical University of Kosice – Halo TU, 1-2015/2016, page 36
[14] Interview with me in about exoplanet Kepler-452b – July 24, 2015 (link)
[13] In newspaper Hospodarske noviny – March 13, 2015
[12] In TV Markiza (Reflex) – February 19, 2015
[11] In the main evening news of TV Markiza – February 03, 2015
[10] Interview with me in on the occasion of the close fly-by of asteroid 2004BL86 – January 28, 2015 (link)
[9] Interview with me for Slovak Radio (RTVS) – January 26, 2015
[8]Article and interview with me about my research in the newspaper Korzar – January 22, 2015 (link)
[7] Interview with me about my research (Mars), newspaper Novy cas – January 12, 2015
[7] Interview with me in – January 10, 2015 (link)
[6] Interview with me in – December 8, 2014 (link)
[5] ESA ROSETTA’s Philae landing on a comet – a live event with students, public, media, and fellow scientists and engineers at comet landing celebration in Faculty of Aeronautics of Technical University in Kosice, Slovakia (link1/TASR) (link2/Sme) (link3/Cas) (link4/Novy Cas-2)
[4] NASA’s MSL Curiosity landing on Mars, 06 August 2012 – live coverage in Slovakia (screenshot, photo)
[3] MAVEN orbit insertion, 21/22 September 2014 – research presentation and live commentary for students and the present public at Faculty of Aeronautics of Technical University of Kosice (link)
[2] European Researchers’ Night, Kosice, 26 September 2014 – presentation and lecture about Mars research for public
[1] Documentary movie – Kosice and Universe, December 2012. The film was published on the occasion of the European Capital of Culture – Kosice 2013, as a project of Slovak Television (available in the RTVS film production archive).