Call for authors

Excellent possibility to publish your text in a new magazine (monthly journal).

Are you looking for a magazine or journal where to publish your text, research, or popular article? Do you like Mars, planets, and space? Are you a student, researcher, astronomer, or just a space enthusiast?

You do not need to wait and can use this excellent new opportunity for publishing in the new magazine “Mars Exploration Digest” (abbreviation “MXD”). This monthly journal is open-access and free to download for anyone. It is published monthly as PDF in two languages – English and Slovak (also the contributions in the Czech language are welcomed).

And the bonus for you? You do not need to pay anything, you can add your contribution for free. You can use this published article as a reference in the list of your publications because the Mars Exploration Digest is a professional magazine. And maybe you can get also some citations because the audience of the readers of this magazine is rapidly growing. So do not hesitate and take your chance now.

Mars Exploration Digest is registered with ISSN 2788-225X by the Czech National Technical Library in Prague.

The submitted articles, texts, or research papers must be related to the planet Mars or to the technology used for its research and robotic exploration.

Feel free to submit your contribution here, I am looking forward to publishing it in the next coming issues.



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"Call for authors." Jozef Kozár, PhD - Accessed October 23, 2024.
"Call for authors." Jozef Kozár, PhD [Online]. Available: [Accessed: October 23, 2024]
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Dr. Jozef Kozár

Author, Research Scientist, Consultant.

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