Cookies and Privacy Policy (GDPR)

Use of cookies by this website

I inform you that on this site, I use cookies. Cookies are small, electronic data files that are sent by the website to your browser and are stored in your system’s hard drive, and are used to determine your preferences when connecting to the services of my website, as well as tracking determined behaviors or activities carried out by yourself inside my website.

In some sections of my website, I require the visitor to have the cookies enabled given that some of the features require them to work, but under no circumstances collect personal information (identification, contact, work-related, or in any other way).

The information obtained shall not be communicated to third parties, except for cases where possible fraudulent activities are being investigated.

If the user wants to disable the cookies, he/she must do it directly from the web browser.

Privacy policy

This website does not collect any personal information or data. This website also does not store and process any personal information or data.

Newsletter and instant email notifications about new content

The only service that may use the information provided by the user is the user’s email address when the user registers his/her email address for a newsletter or the instant post notification by email. In this case, is the email address stored in an anonymous and encrypted form and will never be exposed to any third party. The email address will also be never used for any unwanted email marketing or will never be further processed by any other system. If the user wants to unsubscribe from the newsletter or from the instant post notification by email, then the user can do so directly in the delivered newsletter, email notification, or by contacting me.

Removing all user’s data

This website and any other connected system to this website does not store or process any personal information or data except in the case when the user registers himself/herself for a newsletter or the instant email notification about newly published content on this website. When a user decides to remove his/her email address from the newsletter or the email notification about new content, then the user can do so himself/herself directly via the delivered email (newsletter or notification about newly published content) or the user can contact me directly and email address of the user will be immediately deleted from the system.

GDPR and user’s consent

When a user registers himself/herself for any of the services mentioned above, then it means that the user gives his/her consent to the above-mentioned conditions.

Other third-party services that may be connected to this website

Other third-party services that may be connected to this website are YouTube, Google (including all of Google’s services like Analytics, Adsense, etc..), Twitter, Vimeo, GoodReads, Amazon, or any other embedded third-party service provider. This website does not have access to any system of the mentioned embedded service providers and cannot store or process any of their data or information or any data or information that may be requested by the mentioned third-party services from the user. By continuing the use of this website user gives his/her consent with the conditions of the third-party providers.

Copyrights, registered trademarks

The whole content and design of this website is copyright of Jozef Kozár. No part of the website or its content (text, graphics, photos, videos, scripts, applications, etc., can be further used in any form without prior approval by its owner Jozef Kozár. The name of this website is a trademark of Jozef Kozár.

All other company names or corporation names or names of their products are in full responsibility of their respective owners and belong to their owners.