Tagged: NASA

SOFIA, did you know?

SOFIA, did you know?

SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy)NASA’s SOFIA was a modified Boeing 747SP aircraft carrying a reflecting telescope that observed the cosmos in infrared light. SOFIA flew into Earth’s stratosphere, up to about 45,000 feet (13,700 meters), and collected data during 10-hour overnight flights, observing the Moon, planets, stars, nearby galaxies and more. SOFIA was a…

Voyager 2: prúser s anténou

Voyager 2: prúser s anténou

Voyager 2, ktorý sa v súšasnosti nachádza cca 19,9 miliardy kilometrov od Zeme, momentálne nie je schopný prijímať signály z kontrolného strediska. Čo sa vlastne stalo?