Moon and Sigma Leonis

Tonight I have taken a photo of of the star Sigma Leonis. This star is beyond the visibility of naked eye, because its magnitude is 10.25.

In the photo below you can see this star just “next” to the Moon. Of course, the real distance of this star from our Earth is 210 light years. So we can say that we are looking to the past at this photo. Although the Moon is near to Earth, so the Moon’s look is from present time. Isn’t it nice? We can see the past and the present time just in one photo. Universe is amazing! 🙂

The photo below shows the Moon, star Sigma Leonis and planet Saturn together above the city. Can you see Saturn? Just click on the image, the photo will open in a new window – Saturn is a small dot in the center of the night sky above the city:

OK, if you have difficulties to find it, then Saturn is here:

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Jozef Kozár, PhD (October 23, 2024) Moon and Sigma Leonis. Retrieved from
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Dr. Jozef Kozár

Author, Research Scientist, Consultant.

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